the Ticket in the first row for a nature performance, amusing

The author learns to notice the smallest nuances allowing to build the correct composition. And at the end of the book technical parameters of each picture are given.
To imprint its beauty, it is necessary to consider only more attentively this planet which we call the house. And then your pictures will get a response in heart of any person. The photo - universal language for which there are no linguistic and social barriers.
But it is not just the book with photos. Each shot - a detailed lesson from the real pro. Jack Daykinga not only shows, but also tells:
At times the ordinary-looking picture from a photomasterpiece is separated by couple of movements of a lens, a step aside or only several seconds of expectation. And sometimes you come to the fallen in love place for the second and third time, and the accumulated experience allows to create new photomasterpieces on the same place.
And still - to share these emotions with other people. But how to make a good photo that to transfer what was seen in accuracy? In photoart, as well as in any business, there are enough subtleties. One of them - the correct creation of composition. The novelty of MYTH publishing house - the book "Shot Magic" - is devoted to it.
At the same time for descriptive reasons near magnificent photos it shows also the weak pictures, explaining as it is necessary to work with objects and light for obtaining the most impressive picture.
Travel give us not only new impressions, acquaintances and adventures. They store also long "aftertaste" - if with us the camera travels. Pictures give the chance to anew endure the best moments of a trip and to enjoy the most beautiful views.
Can interest the viewer even such simple plot as contrast of textures of bark of two trees. In this picture the smooth trunk of an aspen is opposed to the pine bark pitted by vertical furrows. Their lamination at each other and lack of a background enhance contrast. It seems, the pine is closer, than the aspen, but is optical illusion. An eye reacts to red-brown color why it seems that this trunk is closer. A photo from the book.
The alternating shades green and drops of water create the counterbalanced and finished composition. A photo from the book.
In 2010 the International league of photographers selected this image as one of the best photos of the nature of all times. A photo from the book.
The author - one of the most influential photographers-naturalists and the winner of the Pulitzer Prize for the art photo Jack Daykinga. "The shot magic" is a photo album of its travel with large-format and colourful pictures of the nature: from Namibia to Mexico, from Hawaii to Costa Rica.