Popular : simple unconditioned reflexes

Reflexes represent strictly natural answers of an animal to the external irritations which are carried out by means of the neuromuscular mechanisms which were fixed in process of phylogeny. Them can be examples: the food reflex, an approximate reflex (turn towards a sudden irritant), a protective reflex (recoiling), etc.
Feature of these reflexes is firmly established and fixed connection of the movement with external irritation: a) they are made always as the direct answer to external irritation; until this irritation does not come, the corresponding neuromuscular and sekretorny devices of an animal remain in inaction; b) at approach of irritation the nature of the reciprocal movement, its force and orientation are in full accordance with features of irritation.
In the course of phylogeny together with complication of the structure of an organism of animals, upon transition just seeing to another, more perfect, also their reflexes develop and improved.
3) at the same time also bodies of reception - sense of smell, sight, hearing, touch, etc., the external irritations allowing an animal to differentiate more precisely develop;
1) the motive device is improved;
2) gradually the ability of an animal to answer differentially external irritations develops;
Unconditioned reflexes were fixed in behavior of an animal in view of the fact that they were useful to his activity and preservation of a look, having turned into a congenital form of behavior in which the movements made by animals are carried out strictly definitely in response to external irritation.
Unconditioned reflexes play though initial, but very important role in phylogeny of behavior and mentality of animals. At this stage:
Source: http://avon-on-line24.ru