Such advertizing should not be done, a selection
Do you love rebuses? I am personally not really. I resort to this way to kill time only when it is necessary to go by the train or to sit at the station waiting for this train. But there such pastime is only acceptable.
It is an advertisement it was published in the advertizing weekly, the price for one square centimeter in which is 52 rubles. If to consider that the actual sizes of this announcement of 8 by 8 centimeters, then the cost of its publication in one number is 8 x 8 x 52 = 3328 rubles. It is convinced that the advertiser could just throw out this money. It would even be more favorable, than to pay for such advertizing. At least, it would not cause a loss to the reputation.
It is sure, for most of inhabitants an advertisement which you see, is such rebus. Unclear signs, shooters. This announcement generates questions and does not give any answers. What means KBE on Roto? The price 4600 it for what window and what size? And what is a Retro-bonus? Very old bonus perhaps? And who such Vasya Pupkin (the real surname and phones are replaced by me)? For what reason he calls himself my personal manager? I am not familiar with it even!
The truth consists that at advertizing and rebuses absolutely different purposes. The main goal of advertizing - to focus attention on the problem which is available for the reader, to inform him on goods or service which will help to solve this problem and, eventually, to sell the advertized goods. The purposes of a rebus are directly opposite - to distract attention of the reader from all problems, to help it will relax. Therefore you should not do such advertizing.
When we deal with various riddles, charades and other puzzles, is considered to be that these occupations contribute to a training and the development of thinking. As far as this occupation for us is useful to argue I do not undertake. But I know beyond doubt that use in advertizing of riddles, innuendoes and ambiguities it is absolutely inadmissible.
We need only to thank this unknown Vasya Pupkin for this remarkable lesson. Now we know - you should not do such advertizing. __ the Post is created with assistance of where it is possible to buy qualitative rugs in Erlayn salon and other cars of accessory on the most favorable quotations in the market.