Ottenochny styling foams, life hack

Ottenochny igora foam is known around the world as universal cosmetics both in salon, and in house conditions. To thousands of women the new ottenochny skin of schwarzkopf already managed to be fallen in love by usability and absolute safety. This substance is not painting, and shading therefore it can use much more often. The acquired color keeps to eight-nine washings off.
More inclined to changes, than the woman is difficult to find a being. The fashion changes nearly every day, and it is difficult to keep up with innovations. If today in a trend it is burning - a black head of hear, then tomorrow blondes ascend on a podium again. Not each woman is ready to change cardinally in a pursuit of whimsical trends. The ottenochny styling foam will help to remain always relevant in this case. This means became a worthy alternative to frequent coloring.
The Ottenochny skin of Wella it is designed to simulate the necessary color of a head of hear. It is quickly activated on hair. Let's note that wella represents paint of temporary action and the sparing effect for a head of hear. About a month keeps on a hairstyle. In an arsenal of Wella there are two options of foams: Wella Viva and Wella Color.
Ilona: I will tell one that the activator of color from syoss very much was pleasant to me. I use it directly in soul, after a head washing. The hairstyle quickens at once, and hair become much more well-groomed and obedient.
Such foams as Shvartskopf, syoss and an ottenochny skin Wella are most spread in the modern industry of beauty.
Responses of buyers who on themselves tried use of the painting skins:
Angela: Recently Wella used ottenochny foam. Was not really satisfied, it is with some difficulty wiped from surfaces and the forehead with ears had to be rubbed. Concerning a shade there are no complaints. Hair became more beautifully and more obediently.
The activator of color is suitable for people who systematically paint & #8220; прическу”. In breaks between paintings the head of hear loses gloss and brightness, and cosmetics from syoss will help to recover a hairstyle.
The shading foam - fine means for those who want to change the image. Producers of the painting cosmetics carried out huge work in order that process of change of a color of a head of hear in house conditions became the most convenient for each lady. Everyone will find the color in a rich palette, and in case of unsuccessful coloring, it will be possible just to wash away an objectionable shade.
You have to remember that use of any painting substance is especially individual. We recommend to consult before use to the hairdresser, on natural color in heads of hear the expected result can differ from beautiful curls on packing. To your attention of the rule of use of the shading cosmetics:
The shading means are applied the same, it is desirable to wash only after a session the head with use of balms for the painted locks.
Anastasia: Always there is a wish to be new and interesting. I am afraid to use paints because and without it the quality of hair leaves much to be desired. First was afraid to buy the shading foams, thought that it will be Malvina or the Mermaid with acid color, or in general I will remain bald. But recently tried an ottenochny skin Shvartskopf and was surprised to result. Means long keeps, and the tone turned out ideal. I think, as I will continue further experiments with a color.