Secrets: the average salary in this city

Rome - one of the most expensive cities of Italy, though salaries here 10 times less, in comparison with Milan or Naples.
toFor employment of a such type needs confirmation of the diploma which has to be recognized in EU countries.
Quite a lot nurses, housemaids, tutors for whom vacancies are open all the year round earn. Practically each family in Rome needs similar services as life expectancy of elderly Italians makes from 80 to 90 years.
Many firms accept foreign students as trainees on part-time employment that allows them to train within several years the qualified specialist for own needs.
For Russians, as well as for other natives from the countries of the former Soviet Union, a variety of working offers especially will not strike. It is connected with the fact that Italy endures a difficult economic situation in which and to local population there can not always be a normal work.
To employ foreign workers to a so-called position a badant cheaper since they can pay from 500 to 800 euros, and the Italian nurses should pay about 1500 euros. Cleaning of houses is paid on hours where rates are also very high, but salary will not exceed 1 thousand euros.
Similar practice is very widespread in Rome and enjoy popularity among youth. Many of them have the residence permit, legally live in the country, know several European languages.
Very high chances to find work in Rome have a large number of Russians who get an education in Italy.
If the vacancy is engaged in the foreign citizen, then he is obliged to descend within seven days in a kvestura to issue the residence permit in Italy.
Besides, knowledge of the English and Italian languages is obligatory, but for it experts are granted housing and the right of transportation of family members.
The average salary in Rome on all specified vacancies, both for women, and for men, will be about 1 thousand euros. Though many employers try to observe the principle accepted in Italy - women receive 20% less, than men. Therefore their salary can reach the specified sum, and here female labor will be paid of 800 euros.
Rome, as well as any Italian city, has suburbs where agriculture actively develops. Exactly there migrants find the first earnings, picking vegetables or fruit. It is the simplest to find work in Italy during harvesting. The working visa, in that case, is made out for only 9 months, and then lasts if the farmer makes the corresponding request.
In order that the Russian citizens were admitted to concrete firm or the company, they have to correspond to the following criteria:
Illegal immigrants, as well as "official" workers can try the hand in tourism, hotel business, bars, but for this purpose knowledge of Italian surely is required. There is enough similar seasonal employment in Rome as the capital of the state enjoys wide popularity among tourists. Most of them come to the city to enjoy antique and medieval monuments of architecture, to visit summer festivals.
The separate category is made by experts to whom has the luck to receive the contract in the medical or educational sphere. There is constantly not enough similar qualified personnel in the country therefore vacancies at schools, hospitals, the universities of Rome it is possible to find always.
Teachers and doctors earn about 2 thousand euros a month, and nurses - 1 thousand.
For this purpose it is necessary to provide the passport and the labor contract. The visa to Italy is issued, as well as the right for accommodation for a period of one year, but with possible extension further.
For female offers are slightly more various therefore they can work, both in the field of education, and in services sector, entertainments, medicine. For example, vacancies of nurses and governesses are rather popular to look after children, old men, pensioners.
Many migrants work in Rome illegally, remaining there during trips or excursions. In that case, it will be very difficult to get decent job. The average salary will be only 500 euros that it is not enough for this Italian city. If the illegal immigrant has small knowledge of local language, then salary can grow to 700 euros a month.
The salary will be them about 400-500 euros that is serious financial support for pupils. Vacancies for which graduates usually apply and students cover a big range of offers. First, it is marketing, analytics, economic activity. Secondly, scientific work with further training in a postgraduate study of other European countries. Thirdly, it is media, communications, IT technologies. Fourthly, tourism, art, architecture.
Nevertheless, Italians for visitors traditionally keep vacancies in such spheres as:
I want to find work in the city of Latino.
Vacancies of guides, translators, the accompanying groups perfectly will be suitable for Russians for the summer period. Girls are employed willingly in various night clubs where dancers in local shows and ballets constantly are required.
Along with it, the vacancy of the cleaner or housekeeper who is combined with other work is in demand. The Russian women are accepted willingly to a position the babysitter as they know several languages and can train kids in elements of English or Russian. Besides, it is possible to settle animators, dishwashers, waitresses, bartenders, managers, sellers.
It is possible to find work in Rome for Russians in several ways:
At the same time vacancies exist here the most different including for labor migrants. In Rome will rather just get a job, but for this purpose it is necessary to know Italian and also to conclude the employment contract with the head of firm to have the right legally to carry out activity. Before it it is necessary to study attentively labor market, to consider all existing offers, to come for contact with the employer. If he agrees to send the invitation, with so-called a nulla of the ost, then it is possible to make out a working visa to Italy.