Selection: Anastasia Stotskaya showed to people to whom her son is similar

Published: 7.2.2019
the anastasiya stotsky showed to people to whom her son is similar

It is known that the son of the famous actress Anastasia Stotskaya already was 5 years old, but she still does not hurry to announce to public a name of the father of the child. Silence from Anastasia provokes people to draw independent conclusions and to compare little Sasha's appearance to show business celebrities. Thus, society came to a conclusion that a father of the child A. Stotska is the star of a domestic platform - Philip Kirkorov.

it is valid, the similarity definitely is available. But Anastasia disproved this assumption, having posted the photo proving to whom her little Sasha is similar. Recently A. Stotskaya published on social network Instagram of the photo of the parents who distinctly let know: the child is very similar to the grandfather, Anastasia's father. This fact disproved Philip Kirkorov's participle to Anastasia's child and forced bloggers to apologize the actress.


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