In Israel developed production of gas from food waste, new

Published: 29.12.2018
in Israel developed production of gas from food waste

The startup from Israel suggested to use household waste with advantage, producing from them natural gas on which it is possible to cook food or to warm the dwelling. For this purpose it was required to develop the home portable biogas block which can make from four to eight liters of gas a day, and it is enough for operation of the stove for 2-4 hours.

the Invention is called HomeBiogas, and, as you can see, it a little in what differs from a usual trash can. But it definitely will be able to be useful where people constantly have problems with access to renewed by power sources. Yes that! For certain and other people who even are simply wishing to save will not refuse such smart purchase.

Useful functions of the device on it do not come to an end. The producer reports that each house in which use such biogas block will help to reduce formation of carbon dioxide by six tons per year and for the same period to destroy up to one ton of garbage. If you lost sight of such useful piece too, it is possible to get acquainted with it in more detail directly according to this reference.

For production of the volume of gas stated above it is enough to load about six kilograms of any food waste into the block, will approach including meat with dairy products. Usually waste of this kind is not recommended to be punched, but to development of the Israeli scientists it will fit too to produce gas for preparation of the first, second and compote.


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