Implants for improvement of memory can already be used and they work, amusing

Published: 3.8.2018
implants for improvement of memory can already be used and they work

Already rather long time mankind, studying work of a brain, tries to find a way to artificially enhance brain activity. And the more advanced is a science - the more chances that the similar invention will be crowned with success. For example, recently come to the end project financed by DARPA could show that memory of the person can be increased in the artificial way.

"We for the first time could identify the code for process of formation of memory in a brain and in fact could write down this code that the existing memory worked quicker. It is an important step for potential treatment of loss of memory and increase in its volumes".

However, despite so encouraging results, it will be possible to speak about final success of technology only after carrying out more large-scale researches, group of 15 people - selection, not so indicative in terms of statistics. Nevertheless memory improvement on average on a third at all participants of an experiment inspires optimism.

As writes the Journal of Neural Engineering edition, 15 people who in a varying degree suffered from loss of memory because of epilepsy participated in a research. To each participant of experiences in a brain small neuroimplants which traced what occurs in a brain during storing process were implanted. Tests were quite simple: people needed to look at the image, and after a break it is correct to identify it among four more other images. At this time scientists fixed brain activity for identification of those sites of a brain which more than others are involved in memory formation processes. Then the second phase of researches began: also showed to examinees pictures and suggested to identify them among four others, but only the zones of a brain this time revealed earlier were stimulated with neuroimplants. As a result it became clear that short-term memory of participants improved for 37%, and long-term & #8212; for 35%. As the head of the project Robert Hempson said,


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