At requests of readers: spacex for the first time successfully put the falcon 9 rocket on the coast of California

Last night SpaceX launched the reusable Falcon missile 9 of California that then to carry out one of the most sign landings in the history of rockets of the company. This time SpaceX planned to put the carrier on the concrete platform directly near the place of start, but not on the floating barge in the ocean. In case of success it would be the first successful landing on the western coast of America. Everything passed smoothly. Till a present situation all land landings of SpaceX happened on Cape Canaveral in Florida where there is also a bigger number of starts of the company.
on October 7 at 10:40 in the evening local time SpaceX successfully launchedand put the Falcon 9 missile, having marked the 62nd flight of the vehicle. It was also the 12th successful land landing for the company and the first on the coast of California.
As this landing on the Vandenberg platform was the first, the next inhabitants heard a threefold sound boom. On Cape Canaveral this everyday occurrence. The base of the Air Force Vandenberg distributed a warning to locals before today's flight.
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If test of the Falcon 9 rockets, and then and Falcon Heavy goes strictly according to the plan, perhaps, SpaceX of the first will send people to Mars.
There at SpaceX two launch pads; 11 rockets were succeeded to put the companies on them. Every time when the company tried to put a rocket on the firm soil, it managed it.