of 50 ways to tell I love you without the aid of words, it is curious

Pay attention that these councils are good also for young couples, and for those, who have behind shoulders years and decades of marriage. Try to apply at least by one council a day, and you will see how your relations will change to the best.
The strongest and fine relations of two loving people all the same remain similar to a delicate flower which needs regular "watering" and feed.
As you can see, the majority of these small life hacks will not demand from you either money, or big time expenditure. Everything that to you is required, - more sincere to make desire pleasant to darling and also is a little courage and imagination.
Based on lifehack.org
One of common causes on which people leave - they cease to feel love from the half. Why does that happen? Because a stock phrase "I love you", habitually said at the end of telephone conversation or before appearance at work, does not possess magic action. Words need to be supported with a set of acts, the majority of which will not demand special efforts.
Source: http://avon-on-line24.ru