the New technology allows to find lung cancer at the earliest stage, discussion

One of the most dangerous forms of cancer is non-small cell lung cancer which often leads to death because means for diagnosis of a disease at an early stage are often a little effective. However, as journalists for the EurekAlert edition report, the group of researchers from the USA managed to develop a method of identification of this form of cancer by means of the new method based on the analysis ekzosy, allocated from blood and saliva.
"The revolutionary EFIRM technology is direct development of a noninvasive liquid biopsy. Potential at it is simply huge. It will be possible to save tens of thousands of lives worldwide, revealing lung cancer at early stages. The EFIRM technology can be also used for monitoring of treatment and identification of a recurrence at patients with already diagnosed lung cancer."
Diagnostics is made thanks to EFIRM technology (electric field-induced release and measurement) & #8212; it is the way based on extraction ekzosy (the microscopic extracellular bubbles supporting various structures) from biological liquids and the analysis of their RNA and proteins. Such approach is highly sensitive and extremely effective for detection of mutations of receptors of the factors of growth connected with development of non-small cell lung cancer. According to the doctor of medical sciences and one of authors of work Charles Strom working in UCLA (University of California in Los Angeles)
"We are satisfied with work of the EFIRM platform and the fact that it can reveal cancer at patients whose tumors were still rather small to render them the qualified surgical help. Now we conduct work on increase in quantity of the analyzed mutations and automation of process for increase in sensitivity and simplification of screening."
For definition of presence of a disease scientists try to reveal existence of two mutations & #8212; p.L858r and Exon 19del. They easily decide in blood of patients on a late stage of oncological process, so have to be present also at the initial stages. EFIRM allows to make it. During the research scientists collected plasma samples at 248 patients with pathological process in lungs. From them at 44 process 1 or 2 stages was diagnosed (23 with the good-quality pulmonary knots confirmed with a biopsy, and 21 with cancer of an unspecified etiology). At other participants of an experiment cancer was not revealed, but the most interesting consists in another: from those people, could find a mutation of p.L858r and Exon 19del in whom non-small cell cancer (and such there were 12 people from 21), in 90% of cases (at 11 volunteers) was revealed, EFIRM, having pointed to development of a cancer disease.
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