She lost patience in a fitting room with mother, did not see her hand, life hack yet

Published: 29.6.2018
yet she lost patience in a fitting room with mother, yet did not see her hand

These hands - the most expensive!

At last, at our last stop, my mother tried on a fine blue dress. On a dress there was a bow and when I stood in a locker room near it, observed how she hardly tried to tie it. Her hand were so strongly crippled from arthritis that it could not make it. At once my impatience was replaced by an overwhelming wave of compassion to it. I turned away to try to hide tears which involuntarily gushed over me. Having got it together, I turned again to help it. The dress was beautiful, and she bought it. Our trip on shops ended, but the event left an indelible mark in my memory.

We visited almost all shops in which there were ladies' dresses, and my mother tried to choose dresses, rejecting one behind another. When we bypassed already all shops, I was tired, and my mother was upset.

Until the end of day my mind continued to be restored by this moment in a locker room and to hands of my mother when they tried to tie this bow. These loving hands which fed me bathed, dressed, caressed and consoled, and, first of all, prayed for me, now touched me in the most remarkable way.

A few years ago when my mother visited me, she asked me to go with her on shops because it needs a new dress. I usually do not like to go shopping with other people, and I am not a patient person, but all of us equally went to shopping "center" together.

Later in the evening I went to the room to my mother, took her hands, kissed them and, to her surprise, told it that for me it is the most beautiful hands in the world.

I am so grateful that God allowed me to see new eyes, what precious, invaluable gift - the loving, self-sacrificing mother. I can pray only that sometime my hands and my heart would deserve the same beauty.


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