Popular : what is frustration in psychology and the mechanism of its emergence

Published: 5.12.2017
what is frustration in psychology and the mechanism of its emergence

In certain cases people, in a condition of frustration, too strongly plunge into themselves. They failed and get to the world of imaginations where everything is good. The personality changes and not in the best side. Some become aggressive, others cannot cope with sharp falling of a self-assessment.

Frustration can be caused in pupils by weak progress. Because of an estimated system they can feel sillier, in comparison with other pupils. The self-assessment falls, the depression wave rolls. There is a wish to be closed in the bathroom and for anything not to return to school. "I am silly. At me all the same nothing will turn out".

In modern life it is very important to cultivate in itself such quality as ability to lose. Understanding that it is impossible to achieve success in everything, protects the person from frustration.

Of course, in adulthood we also face frustration. Desires do not disappear anywhere. Without existence of obstacles for achievement of the goal the phenomenon will not work. The internal reasons - a lack of abilities, assiduity and also external - money, time can become them.

Of course, to achieve some essential success by own efforts and to win against frustration and its consequences it is very difficult. Here not to do without competent psychologist. Too cardinally they change the world and outlooks of the person.

Try to understand the true causes of conflict with yourself, to look at a situation differently. Well and of course, do favorite things who lighten the mood, despite everything.

After crash in realization of requirement of achievement of success of people can cease to try, his motivation reduces to zero, at it hands can fall, and it will stop all attempts to become successful.

Simple words, the person long worked on the project, but it was not estimated. Begins to seem to it that it goes about not the own business. Wants to stop everything - to get a job on the plant and forever to forget about the previous position. It becomes more difficult to it to communicate with friends and colleagues.

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It seems, dealt with definition. Further, on concrete examples, you will understand as it works.

Real threats or far-fetched problems become a hindrance on the way to a dream sometimes. Anyway, you will not envy the person in such emotional state.

Hello, dear readers! Today we will talk about one entertaining psychological phenomenon. Many of you could notice on themselves its influence. I am sincerely convinced that the better we understand the mentality, the we can become more happily. Understanding - the most significant step in the solution of any problem.

To recover a little, I can advise you the book "Change Mood in 10 Seconds" by Karen Salmanson. It will not change your attitude to life, but for several minutes is capable to pull out from a depression and to distract from problems a little.

When it arises? As a rule, the impossibility to achieve a definite purpose is the reason of frustration. If the same pupil, does not set before himself the purpose to become the excellent student, then hardly he will be concerned by bad marks. If he really learns and strives for perfection, but the result is not satisfactory, then it is waited by psychological discomfort.

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What is frustration in psychology? When you strongly want something or set the accurate purpose, but cannot reach it, feel discomfort - a depression, a stress, are lost in thoughts, become isolated or, on the contrary, behave aggressively. It is also frustration.

If you easily adapt, then troubles and grieves carry temporary effect and about any frustration of the speech does not go here. If the emotional intelligence is developed less well, then as a result - alarm, disappointment, irritability.

In a condition of frustration of people does not see a way out. It seems to it that so will be now always, and conclusions to which it was led by the previous experience - the indisputable truth. It really loser. To be discharged of a situation incredibly difficult and even sometimes it is impracticable.

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If you were disappointed in close relations with a certain person, then subsequently risk to experience difficulties in private life. You cease to trust an opposite sex and to revenge people who absolutely are not guilty of it. To ruin their mentality and to give rise in them to inferiority complexes.

Source: http://avon-on-line24.ru

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