New heading: The 7th top of the best councils

Published: 23.7.2018
how to endure parting with the girl: The 7th top of the best councils

Parting with people, dear to us, is to a huge regret a thing inevitable in life of each of us. The reasons of parting can be different: did not get on together, treason of one of partners, financial aspects, etc. Very important, during such gap to try to divorce your darling if not friends then friends who can greet with with each other at a sudden meeting. But how to endure parting with the girl, to cope with the emotions to be capable to behave in this way at a meeting, and, above all - how not to lose faith in women, after the similar emotional meat grinder? Let's look for the answer together.

the Gap not always means the end, and often happens a step for ascension. Erich Maria Remarque


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