Is curious: the irreplaceable value of oats for health and longevity

The few cultures have such amount of useful qualities as oats. The nutritional value of oats is extremely high, and it turned it into one of the most often used products. And all thanks to the high content of vitamins, minerals and food fibers. And it not its only advantage: oats also protect a liver and restore its cages. Besides, it is a part of all diets for weight reduction.
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How it occurs? Thanks to the fact that the cereal contains the main amino acids, for example, methionine. It perfectly approaches to reduce the level of bad cholesterol and to increase the level of good. It occurs thanks to contents in it food fibers and so-called nonsaturated Omega-6 fats.
Oats will become the reliable assistant if you made the decision to lose weight in the natural and healthy way. Existence in this cereal of complex carbohydrates which process of splitting demands a long time is the reason of it. It means that, having eaten oats in any look, you will have sense of fulness much longer. You will have no need for having a snack between meals. Besides, oats help to control sugar level in blood.
And all because it contains iodine & #8212; it is mineral it is extremely important for correct work of a thyroid gland.
It is excellent means against this illness. Thanks to the high content of food fibers, oats facilitate process of digestion and eliminate an intestines lock.
Oats have property to control sugar level as we already noted earlier. Therefore it is one of the most suitable cereals for those who suffer from diabetes.
The value of oats is also that it allows to regulate cholesterol level, so to support heart and an artery healthy.
He acts as an auxiliary element. Of course it will not be able to protect for 100% us from this disease, however the lignana and phytoestrogen which are contained in oats allow to correct the level of hormones and to reduce risk of developing, for example, of breast cancer.
He is obliged by this property to the content of a certain amount of amino acids which influence a liver. Amino acids stimulate production of lecithin and also clean an organism from toxins.
Oats & #8212; one of products of the richest with silicon. This element is very useful to a brain, in particular to updating of connecting fabrics of this body. In addition, carbohydrates will provide an organism with energy, and B1 vitamin so necessary for us to take care of memory improvement. But there is more to come: oats are rich with phosphorus. It is a key element for formation of a brain and nervous system at early age. Therefore it is so useful to children. What if to take for the rule to include it in a diet for breakfast?
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2. Useful properties of oats