From our users: as the American with the Ukrainian roots of the receipt tsisyk became a superstar in the USA

Published: 13.7.2018
as the American with the Ukrainian roots of the receipt tsisyk became a superstar in the USA

In Kiev Receipts Tsisyk honored memory of the American of the Ukrainian origin, having devoted it a concert to the 65 anniversary since birth. Ukrainians learn the woman's voice with a rare name of the Receipt from the first notes. But even in 20 years after her death, Ukrainians love and rehash its songs.

the Purpose of the charitable project - to help the Ukrainian women with fight against cancer. All raised funds spend for acquisition of mobile mammographs. Got such for Vinnichina two years ago. In a year on it 4 thousand Ukrainians were examined, diagnosed oncology for the 13th.

At Receipts there were two American husbands. Both & #8212; musicians, both worked on its Ukrainian songs. Her son Ad-Vladimir practises music too.

After the death of the father Kvitk it was forced to look for additional opportunities of earnings: offered records to the various companies, sang in the New York clubs. So it was noticed by producers. So in America Tsisyk became one of the most famous and dearest performers of jingles to commercials.

Tsisyk sang in background vocals at Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston, and the movie "You Are Light of My Life" with her music won the Oscar and the Golden Globe. Tsisyk performed all female parts in the movie, but because of the conflict with the director of the movie her surname cut out from credits. Tsisyk also tried a tape of the Receipt as the actress, having played a role of the girlfriend of the main character.

Full name of the singer & #8212; Kvitoslava. The family named her Kvitka. And she received popularity in the USA under an artistic pseudonym & #8212; Kasey & #8212; connection of the first letters of her name and surname - Kvitka Cisuk, tells Radio Freedom.

The receipt Tsisyk possessed a rare soprano and the equipment widespread in the Carpathian villages - so-called & #171; white голосом» easily experimented with styles - from jazz to classics, writes

Parents Receipts - the Ukrainian emigrants who arrived to America in the late forties. The receipt was born already in the USA and became the popular performer of advertizing jingles. The most known corporations wanted that their advertizing was sounded by her. Its voice sounded in advertizing of automobile giant Ford Motor Company. The company counted that in different air it was distributed 22 billion times.

Its voice sounded in the advertizing companies "Coca-Koly", "American Airlines", "Makdonaldsa". Within 16 years, and until the end of life, it was an official voice of Ford Motors. Many Americans still remember a musical jingle of "Have you driven a Ford lately" performed by Receipts Tsisyk. For it Ford presented it the car.

In Ukraine the charitable project "Unforgettable Receipt" devoted to the singer works. 11 years the producer of the project Alex Gutmakher who was not familiar with Kvitka personally does everything that remembered it after death. As what is oncology, he knows from own experience.

"I saw that I can easily change musical style. I came to musical conservatory in New York. Studied a vocal and thought that I will be an opera singer. But became interested in other specialties. It & #8212; such & #171; студио-сингинг». Singing in different studios for advertizing or for composers", & #8212; the singer told.

Tsisyk had a rare timbre of a voice & #8212; coloratura soprano. Admirers guessed in it sound of a violin. It with ease experimented with styles & #8212; from jazz to classics. Also made great success both performed by popular songs, and in opera singing.

All the life of the Receipt dreamed to be heard in Ukraine and spent a quarter of one million dollars for record of the Ukrainian songs. She managed to prepare 2 Ukranian-speaking plates before died from cancer. Both plates in 1990 were nominated for the award "Grammy" in category "modern folk". They got to Ukraine generally smuggling, people rewrote songs and transferred each other.

In 1992 doctors reported the Receipt about the diagnosis & #8212; breast cancer. Doctors gave it several months, but she lived seven more years. The receipt died, without having lived five days up to the 45 anniversary. From the same disease her mother and the sister died.


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