How to keep skin young and shining, a selection

Published: 11.6.2019
facial massage: how to keep skin young and shining

Skin & #8212; the natural barrier of an organism assuming negative impact of the environment. The condition of skin accurately reflects health of all body. Therefore it is important to care for himself and to adhere to healthy nutrition that skin could receive necessary useful elements and radiated health.

If you feel dryness in eyes, several times screw up and open them.

According to reflexology of the person, the nose is reflection of a backbone. In the beginning massage a palm a tip of a nose & #8212; he is responsible for the basis of a spine column. Then circular motions rise from a nose tip to a nose bridge.

For a chin the same type of massage, as well as will be suitable for a forehead. Smooth skin from the "center" to cheeks on a chin and under it.

For facial massage it is recommended to use natural vegetable oils of dense and fat texture in order that skin did not dry too quickly as it occurs after use of the moisturizing creams. We advise to apply them as follows:

Massage should be begun with a forehead and to carry out it by horizontal movements from the "center" to temples, using a palm and fingers. Then it is necessary to make the same fingertips, without pressing on skin.

In reality on face skin a large number of the died-off cages accumulates. Process of updating of skin represents a gradual raising of layers, cell aging and, at last, their dying off on the surface of skin. Application of a peeling and massage once a week will allow you to avoid appearance of wrinkles and pigmentary spots, loss of a tone of skin and also to humidify and regenerate skin, to make it soft and shining.

Then place fingertips on cheekbones and, slightly pressing, move ahead to a nose, and then in the opposite direction to ears. This area of the person is also responsible for sight therefore do not forget to carry out massage regularly.

Warm hands and apply palms to the closed eyes. Such exercise relaxes muscles and allows eyes and skin to look holidaymakers.

Cheeks have important value in a question of appearance. Their color and a condition of skin can how externally to rejuvenate a face, and to force it to look more tired or old. Therefore the zone of cheeks needs to be massed especially often. Begin with circular motions with palms to strengthen blood circulation.

Massage of a neck needs to be carried out all palm, well smoothing area under a chin. It helps to activate blood circulation and to bring toxins out of an organism.

Skin around eyes is especially delicate therefore wrinkles appear here first of all. Therefore massage should be done by fingertips with special softness and tenderness. Begin with an internal corner of an eye and move ahead on edge of an eyebrow easy, almost imperceptible circular motions to an external corner of an eye. Then in the same way walk on a zone under an eye to an internal corner and the beginning of an eyebrow.

As massage densely squeeze lips for several seconds, and then extend them in a tubule. Repeat exercise 2-3 times. It is also possible to mass lip fingertips the vibrating movements in the horizontal direction. At regular leaving after a while you will notice that lips became chubbier and attractive.

In our article we will tell about care of skin and technicians of facial massage which can be applied in house conditions. Such simple, but effective ways will help to regenerate and rejuvenate skin, to moisten it and to give natural shine.

As face skin very thin and delicate, always carry out peeling by soft textures and carry out massage with circular motions, without affecting the area of eyes and the damaged and inflamed sites (pimples, an acne, etc.)

It is very often possible to hear that the age of the woman is reflected by her neck. Caring for youth of the face, we often forget about a skin on a neck therefore the contrast in a condition of skin gives our age. Using the nutritious and moisturizing face treatments, always apply them on a neck and area of a decollete.

To make it most simply, use natural means. In our article we will tell what ingredients need to be used for each type of skin.

It is necessary to peel lips soft means once in two weeks. Besides, they especially need constant moistening.


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