Novelty: 10 new sets for those who like to give books

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Are included in the package:
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In the book "Small Theatre of Rebecca" the world of theater is created directly in the eyes - the sketches which are filigree cut out from paper. On each page you will see one fantastic hero who comes to a stage here and сейчас…. Also representation begins! Meet! For the first time on the stage the characters created by the famous French artist Rebecca Dotremer: a lamb Serafim and a kengurenok to Petyr, the Malchik-s-palchik and the Baba-yaga, Sirano and Elvis, Alice lost in the Wonderland and the surprising princesses forgotten and unknown. What do they tell and what plot of the play? To solve to you! Be not afraid to dream, invent own stories and to play performances directly on skillfully cut out pages of the book.
In a confidential set - the book in an orange or green cover blue or maybe. In what, all the same we will not tell. And what in it is written - too. Surprise! We know for certain, but we are able to keep secrets. This book - an excellent gift to yourself to darling according to the recommendation of the MYTH. Precisely it will be pleasant to you!
In a set:
It is always pleasant to receive as a gift the good book. Please the relatives in an occasion and without!
Inside - a full research of charisma from Radislav Gandapas - the most famous specialist in leadership in Russia.
In this set - notebooks for every taste and for all occasions. The notebook in a soft cover perfectly is suitable for drawings, sketches and making an abstract of books. We made a notebook in a firm cover even more convenient and useful: added to it a bookmark bookmark in tone of a cover and also a capacious inside pocket where it is possible to put notes or business cards. And in it it is convenient to write and draw directly on the run or standing - but in any place. The strong cover will not allow to be rumpled to a notebook in a backpack and will protect records from a rain. And it is convenient to carry the smallest notebook with itself everywhere, it with ease is located in a small handbag or even in a pocket. Now any idea will not be lost!
Before New year we for the first time made gift sets of books: with love packed the best editions into craft boxes and added several pleasant trifles - a lovely card, a bookmark, a notebook.
In this gift box - a novelty: the book by the founder of legendary school of design in Stanford, practical from the first to the last letter. Stories, recommendations, exercises and the ideas - everything to open to new experience, to change life to the best and to achieve the objectives which seemed impossible earlier. For those who want to act but not to dream.
In a set:
The step-by-step management from this set will please all who already not bad draw a watercolor or only dreams to make friends with it. The author - the famous artist Billey Shouell - shares secrets and technicians who will help to see the nature in all beauty and to imprint it on paper. Any is capable to repeat realistic portraits of flowers from this book. And professionals will find under a cover inspiration and new motives for creativity. Present to the friend and be convinced.
And still it is an excellent gift for heads, bosses and leaders of all colors. Set which will teach to be the magnetic personality.
In a set:
In a craft box - the best-seller which will present essentially new view on development of the organization will help to construct the conscious and integral company of the future. This book will become the best gift for heads and businessmen who felt that in habitual style of work something lacks.
We are sure that this gift set is necessary to all! Everyone wants to become charismatic.
In a set:
Such sets were very much fallen in love to our readers. It turned out that it is a remarkable gift for any holiday and to anyone. Therefore we decided to please you with new sets.
Undoubtedly, it is the best gift to the mother's assistant. In the book "Mothers, give an apron" simple step-by-step recipes - for all occasions, for breakfasts and festive lunches are collected. Well it can cook not only the adult! Each little girl can create culinary magic. Present this set - and in your kitchen the atmosphere of joyful creativity will always reign.
In a set:
The one to whom you present the book "Begin", will remember it for a long time - in its calendar there will be no page "tomorrow", full of fears and doubts any more. Only today and only forward. If you know the person to whom as air is necessary a charge of positive energy - make it happier, having handed this set. It will help to leave a comfort zone, to decide on changes and to fulfill all cherished dreams.
This set will help to make art a part of your life. To open eyes and to see beauty of the world. To cease to be afraid of the fact that can tell about fruits of your works. Not important, the artist you or not - unique and just beautiful book "Creative Rights" will present inspiration to readers of any mentality.