Life hack: a model of filling of the questionnaire for obtaining the Schengen visa to the Czech Republic in 2019

The form contains the same information, as well as in all Schengen questionnaires. But despite it will be useful to analyse a form sample point by point:
In English to download the sponsor's letter.
To download the exit visa of the child without parents.
At processing of visa to VTs of the Czech Republic it will be necessary to fill consent to processing of personal data. It is possible to download the form here.
To download the exit visa of the child with one of parents.
To download a model of filling of the questionnaire on the visa, page 1;
Irrespective of questionnaire type the applicant has to follow such rules of filling. It is possible to download the instruction the separate file here.
Model of filling, page 2;
Questionnaires can be taken in consulate. In the same place it is possible to see a model of the correct filling of the document.
On contents it is possible to call both questionnaires identical. But some differences in them nevertheless are available. Therefore we suggest you to consider samples of each of questionnaires separately.
To download models of paperwork:
The reference from work to download.
When printing the questionnaire it is necessary to consider that the press has to be obligatory for bilateral. So, if the questionnaire consists their four leaves, then in the unpacked look it will make only two leaves.
If a purpose of visit in 2019 is tourism, treatment or business negotiations, then in consulate it is necessary to fill out the questionnaire on the short-term visa which allows to stay in the territory of the Czech Republic up to 90 days.
If the presumable term of stay exceeds this period of time, then it is necessary to file documents and to fill out the questionnaire on the long-term visa. It should be noted that for obtaining the long-term visa it will be required to show the bases: work, training or marriage.
The form on obtaining the long-term visa contains the same questions, as in the questionnaire on obtaining the Schengen visa. They differ only in additional points:
It is known that for visit of the Czech Republic in 2019 the visa is necessary. There are several types of visas. The type of the opened visa directly depends on the stay purpose in the territory of the Czech Republic. For execution of entry visas it will be required to visit consulate or the visa "center". But it should be taken into account that the package of documents for each of visas different. Same concerns also visa questionnaires. Depending on the purpose of stay it will be required to fill out the questionnaire on the short-term or long-term visa.
To download the sponsor's letter.
Model of filling, page 3;
If the applicant is not confident in information, you should not fill out it. At submission of incorrectly completed questionnaire the consulate can refuse the visa. It is worth remembering that even if the visa was not issued, the visa fee to the applicant does not return.
It is possible to download questionnaires on long-term and Schengen visas in 2019 according to the reference in the beginning of article and also to the address It is the website of Embassy of the Czech Republic in Russia. On this website samples are also provided. Before filling it is necessary to study a sample attentively. If there are any questions, it is better to put this point away for later and to fill in the presence of the employee of consulate or according to the presented sample.
Model of filling, page 4.
The short-term visa is called Schengen. For its receiving it will be required to fill out the questionnaire (to download the form of the questionnaire), which consists of 37 points. It is necessary to fill out the form on obtaining the Schengen visa extremely attentively. Only accurate information is entered in the questionnaire. You should not try to give false data, all information is carefully checked by the staff of consulate and inveracious information will serve as a cause of failure in obtaining the Schengen visa to the Czech Republic.
At the very end of the questionnaire it will also be required to specify information similar to point at number 37.
As the Czech Republic is a participant of the European Union, for receipt of a visa it will be required to fill out the questionnaire of the Schengen sample.