Popular : word gadget and its value

Hundreds of years the mankind used devices, mechanisms and devices in their final functionality which is not allowing improvements. So was before a technogenic era. Since 19th century owners of various devices had an opportunity to expand their functions, using the emergency, but specially developed additions. An uluchshalok the English word "gadget" became the generalizing name for all similar.
the Word "gadget" was thought up byand was actively used in rather closed professional society - in navy of Great Britain of the middle of the 19th century. Ship teams called gadgets tools and devices whose names they did not know or did not remember. From a naval slang this word extended among various groups of the population of England which are interested in technical progress. For example, in the company of bikers of the beginning of the last century gadgets called the devices and objects established by the owner of the motorcycle on a wheel. It were mirrors, speedometers and levers and also mascots, badges and other.
The production development which sharply accelerated 150 years ago caused emergence of numerous devices to machines. To remember the correct names of all similar devices for workers was business difficult. However, they found a convenient way out - called all similar devices the streamline word "damn thing". "Where that long damn thing?" or "and give me that brilliant damn thing!" & #8212; the phrases which are usually used by working staff of any enterprise during a post-technogenic era. In fact, English "gadget" has the same value, as Russian "damn thing".
The term "gadget" is given rise by technologies of the 19th century which will continue the development in the next centuries. Many, until recently words, popular in masses, soon will become archaisms and will disappear, but gadget - scopes of this word will be spreads every decade. Look, for example, on images on the left side on this page of the blog свагор.ком (if you surf from a smarfon, then widgets under this article) are widgets on which click will bring you on articles of last month, popular among visitors. And each this widget - the gadget.